I finally got sick last night, but it wasn't because of the life growing inside of me. It was because of the life of a wonderful, beautiful, and funny... oh so funny... 15-year-old that decided she had no desire to remain living on Tuesday night and took her own life. A wonderful 15-year-old that at one point in her life sat under my leadership as a student, and then when her father became Michael's electrical teacher, I ran into her at least half a dozen other times in the last year.
I can't seem to wrap my mind around this. I heard on Tuesday that a child (sophomore) had ended her life. I quickly did the math in my head. I taught 7th grade when I taught in that particular school district. Would those children be sophomores yet... nope, they would be in the 9th grade. I did my math wrong, though. My kiddos were in fact entering their sophomore year, and two days after attending, they lost one of their own. Apparently, it was a case of bullying. A beautiful child that God created possibly hung out with the wrong people too much or wore different clothing. Maybe she had gotten a reputation for something else, but either way this reputation spread rampant through the school and in the last two years apparently, the words had become enough!
Enough. By the end of last night, I cried behind the wheel of my car begging God for one more chance to talk to her, one more chance to hold her and tell her that God made her beautiful. One more chance to put truth and life out there in front of her. Granted, the same outcome may have occurred, but I remember so clearly being her teacher. I was self-absorbed and convinced that God wanted me in another country like Africa. I didn't belong in America... there is no mission field in America. The other half of dozen times I saw her, why didn't I just go talk with her. Ask her about school, giggle about boys. I stopped teaching in the public school because I felt that I was too limited. I was eventually going to get in trouble for sharing my beliefs... it was just a matter of time. However, it seems as if my fears and insecurity can limit me more than any American government or public school. Time to face the truth. I am not limited by any law the American government sets... I am limited by my own self-absorption.
This has happened before. Not too long ago, I had a friend die. I had a moment before the death of this friend to share the good news of freedom through Christ. I didn't do it. I was too afraid of what this friend would think. I never spoke to that friend again.
In the Best Buy parking lot last night, that is the only conclusion I could come up with. I looked my husband in the eye with the simple statement, "She is dead, Michael." She is dead, gone, and the grief her parents are going to hold will be the most difficult thing they have ever faced. The grief and guilt that enters her school is going to be extreme. What if, she had just one adult... just one that she felt that she could call that night. Just one teacher who may have decided to break the rules and give her their phone number or one used to be teacher that had a half dozen of chances to speak truth into her life. What if there was one adult willing to say, "Okay, I am here to be the light, and it is okay for you to intrude into my life a little."
I think about the young people of the world. I wish, I could take every single one of them that was hurting and welcome them into our home and life, but the reality is... I can't. God told us to take care of the poor, widows, orphans, and to raise the children to be men and women who love Him.
We all have those stories right? I knew the Holy Spirit was opening a door for ministry, but I was too (insert word here) to help. I walked by knowingly missing the chance.
I firmly believe that God is love, and I don't think the church should tolerate sin, but I am so angry that we treat sinners as outcasts. I don't think the church should tolerate sin because sin is a bondage maker. It traps people into living lives and believing lies that lead to death. We are called to love, and we cannot quietly stand and let generations fall to the slavery of sin. That is not love, but we can't teach our children to outcast them... talk poorly about them. What if their skirt is too short or different from you... why does it matter?!?! Why do we allow that to be an issue? Maybe they do not attend church regularly. Maybe they have the worst reputation in the world. Why do we hide from them? I'm sorry, you screwed your life up really early, so I don't want to be around you anymore. I don't care if you are only 12, you are a bad influence.
Then there is the other extreme right? We don't care what your problem is, come to church, listen to some good music, play some games and see your friends! At the end of the night, we are going to send you home just as empty and dead as you were when you got here, but you will have some fun for those two hours. Don't worry about your sin. We are going to accept you no matter what you are currently doing, and I promise, we will not pick out your sin because we are a no judging church. We promise to never teach you truth or get too involved with your life.
I miss this little girl, and I honestly barely knew her. She was a good student, and from the outside looking in, she appeared to be fine.
1 John 4:12
No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
There is a Baby in my tummy
There is a baby in my tummy. At least that is what the doctors and eight or so pregnancy tests I have taken say. I have to be honest, I don't really "feel" pregnant right now. I do however feel tired and so bloated (maybe tmi), so maybe I am starting to feel pregnant. I thought it would feel different than this, though.
We are somewhere between four and five weeks (probably closer to five weeks now). We found out last Monday, and we really did not feel the need to wait and tell people. The doctor confirmed what the tests showed, and we are patiently waiting on our first ultrasound appointment so that we may be able to see this little miracle.
I had become so at peace with not being pregnant. I had come to the realization that our last miscarriage was a blessing and now an important part of our testimony that we can share with people to encourage. I was focused on getting my body healthy so that when he had a baby, it would have a safe place to grow. I actually remember telling my sister-in-law Sunday that I had come to a place where I wanted to focus on getting healthy and it didn't matter that we had not conceived again.
I guess the joke is on me. I wanted to start a juice fast/cleanse last Monday, but before beginning I thought I may take a pregnancy test (we had a couple laying around the house). I spotted on Saturday and thought my cycle was starting, but after a few spots the bleeding stopped. **shrugs** I was so frustrated and just wanted to know what was wrong with me, so I guess that feeling is what made me take the test.
The first test was clearly positive. I didn't call Michael, I didn't freak out, and I didn't even get really excited. I remember thinking, "Okay... let's try this again." After waiting about an hour, I tried again, and again the test was positive. I called my sister-in-law. I informed her that I was holding two positive pregnancy tests. I could tell that she wanted to be excited; I wanted to feel that rush of excitement as well, but honestly... I just felt nervous. I questioned a bit on whether or not to tell my husband yet. I knew another miscarriage would be hard on both of us, and the apprehensive feelings would not just go away. However, I wanted to have hope. I wanted hope to flood through our home and hearts. I wanted this to be a cause of celebration. Michael came home for lunch, and I told him. He was so excited, and my heart was broken for my own selfish tendencies of fear.
We went to the doctor on Monday, and they did an ultrasound, but it was too early to tell anything. They took some blood and called on Tuesday to confirm that I was in fact pregnant. My HcG was a 63 and my progesterone was at a 9.6. I was having some slight cramps (possibly due to the low progesterone and possibly due to the fact that cramps are fairly normal.) They brought me back into the doctor Wednesday, and took blood again. My HcG had risen to 157, but my progesterone had fell to 9.3. They went ahead and put me on a progesterone supplement. I have some chest tenderness that will not go away, but the cramps are gone and really the only nausea I am feeling is when I am not getting enough food in my body (which has become a whole other issue that I will be discussing in living with PCOS).
I think having children is a funny thing. Michael and I were up late the other night discussing children and how we just really get to borrow them for a little while. It is like God entrusts us with a child so that we can teach that child the ways of the Lord. Right now, even while that child is in my womb, we pray with the child and we begin the process of teaching it about who the Lord is and His service. My hope and prayer is that our children will see the love of Christ and the desire for His people to know Him more all through our family. My hope is that they will not feel like they will have to get a good job or go to college, but that they will live a life dedicated to serving the Kingdom. Michael and I have already dedicated the life of this child to the Lord. We will raise this child up in His ways. Maybe one day we will get to hold this child and kiss it's face and mend it's broken heart or broken bones. However, maybe we will only get to experience the child while it is in the womb, and before it comes out, God will take it home. I guess it is about letting go and letting God. He knows.
From what I read, it is normal to be very apprehensive after miscarraige, and it is very normal not to really "feel" pregnant at five weeks. Each day we are allowed to keep this child, we will love this child.
We are somewhere between four and five weeks (probably closer to five weeks now). We found out last Monday, and we really did not feel the need to wait and tell people. The doctor confirmed what the tests showed, and we are patiently waiting on our first ultrasound appointment so that we may be able to see this little miracle.
I had become so at peace with not being pregnant. I had come to the realization that our last miscarriage was a blessing and now an important part of our testimony that we can share with people to encourage. I was focused on getting my body healthy so that when he had a baby, it would have a safe place to grow. I actually remember telling my sister-in-law Sunday that I had come to a place where I wanted to focus on getting healthy and it didn't matter that we had not conceived again.
I guess the joke is on me. I wanted to start a juice fast/cleanse last Monday, but before beginning I thought I may take a pregnancy test (we had a couple laying around the house). I spotted on Saturday and thought my cycle was starting, but after a few spots the bleeding stopped. **shrugs** I was so frustrated and just wanted to know what was wrong with me, so I guess that feeling is what made me take the test.
The first test was clearly positive. I didn't call Michael, I didn't freak out, and I didn't even get really excited. I remember thinking, "Okay... let's try this again." After waiting about an hour, I tried again, and again the test was positive. I called my sister-in-law. I informed her that I was holding two positive pregnancy tests. I could tell that she wanted to be excited; I wanted to feel that rush of excitement as well, but honestly... I just felt nervous. I questioned a bit on whether or not to tell my husband yet. I knew another miscarriage would be hard on both of us, and the apprehensive feelings would not just go away. However, I wanted to have hope. I wanted hope to flood through our home and hearts. I wanted this to be a cause of celebration. Michael came home for lunch, and I told him. He was so excited, and my heart was broken for my own selfish tendencies of fear.
We went to the doctor on Monday, and they did an ultrasound, but it was too early to tell anything. They took some blood and called on Tuesday to confirm that I was in fact pregnant. My HcG was a 63 and my progesterone was at a 9.6. I was having some slight cramps (possibly due to the low progesterone and possibly due to the fact that cramps are fairly normal.) They brought me back into the doctor Wednesday, and took blood again. My HcG had risen to 157, but my progesterone had fell to 9.3. They went ahead and put me on a progesterone supplement. I have some chest tenderness that will not go away, but the cramps are gone and really the only nausea I am feeling is when I am not getting enough food in my body (which has become a whole other issue that I will be discussing in living with PCOS).
I think having children is a funny thing. Michael and I were up late the other night discussing children and how we just really get to borrow them for a little while. It is like God entrusts us with a child so that we can teach that child the ways of the Lord. Right now, even while that child is in my womb, we pray with the child and we begin the process of teaching it about who the Lord is and His service. My hope and prayer is that our children will see the love of Christ and the desire for His people to know Him more all through our family. My hope is that they will not feel like they will have to get a good job or go to college, but that they will live a life dedicated to serving the Kingdom. Michael and I have already dedicated the life of this child to the Lord. We will raise this child up in His ways. Maybe one day we will get to hold this child and kiss it's face and mend it's broken heart or broken bones. However, maybe we will only get to experience the child while it is in the womb, and before it comes out, God will take it home. I guess it is about letting go and letting God. He knows.
From what I read, it is normal to be very apprehensive after miscarraige, and it is very normal not to really "feel" pregnant at five weeks. Each day we are allowed to keep this child, we will love this child.
season of life,
Monday, August 6, 2012
"Please Sir, I want some More"
"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."
How does a person get pregnant? When I was young, a nonbeliever, and very naive I would say something like, "You have sex out of wed-lock, and then you get pregnant. Getting pregnant out of wed-lock is the ultimate sin."
**Rolls Eyes**
This may be a stupid question to you, but to me... it is a sincere thought. Is it kinda like when I was single and people used to tell me, "Oh... it is when you get comfortable with your singleness and you do not want to be married anymore. Then God sends in your true love." Again, another ridiculous statement said most of the time by women who are married, but I believed it enough that I used to stay up late at night telling God over and over again, "Okay, I am comfortable with my singleness. I don't want to be married God. God do you hear me?! I said I am fine the way I am, and I never want a boyfriend or a husband." This (by the way) never got me a husband. God did bring a husband to me, and it was definitely all God, but oddly enough it came when I finally said, "God, I do want to be a wife, and I do want to be a girlfriend, and I am not okay with being single, but I will wait on you, and while I am waiting I will continue to bring You glory."
So now I am married, and after more than a year of marriage and no baby to stay up late at night and rock, I am at it again. Another question, and desperately searching for answers from anyone with a story "like" mine. It is almost humorous... well, it is humorous. This research has me shooting a tablespoon of coconut oil, taking six pills of thyroid aid, and praying all the time for answers on how to "cure" my inability to bear children. Today, I had to call the doctor (again) and I fought to hold back tears (again), and I heard the same words on the other end of the line "Take a pregnancy test and call back." (again), and once again a negative line, some hard tears, and a coming back to Jesus moment simply asking, "Now what?"
I say all of that to say this... I feel like God grew me up today. I used to talk about wanting a simple life, but then when I started looking up the verses about living a simple life, I never found any that talked about having a simple life as a good thing. It was actually quite the opposite. However, I did find many verses that discussed pursuing peace. Peace: like when Jesus walked out in the middle of the storm peace. Like when Peter got out of the boat peace... like when... WHAT?! Peter got out of the boat, oh no! Lost control, sink!
I desire godly peace in my life, in whatever ministry or job God brings me to, and in my home. I have been very unpeaceful lately all because of selfish desires. Maybe two weeks ago I was stomping around the house because summer is almost over and I feel like I haven't got to go on any adventures! How dare I let summer go by and not do anything fun! I got a rude wake up call when God kindly reminded me that I have in fact been all over the United States this summer, I picked up a new photography job as well as a new teaching job, I got an ice cream maker, and I have hiked in new chacos while drinking from a new filtered camelback. Oops... did I say that I haven't got to do anything fun?
Envy... envy robs of joy. It robs of peace. It robs you from hearing God's voice. The desire to be somewhere different, to be someone else, or to even have something you feel like God is purposefully denying you takes the peace that God told us to pursue and it shoves into a tight little box until you feel like you are going to explode. God takes us on adventures when we give our life to Him. It is a guarantee! He puts hopes and dreams into our head when we are patiently listening to His voice and reading His Word. When we begin to pursue those dreams, He opens all of the doors... we simply just step through them. There is the adventure! However, we as humans, are always turning around and simply stating, "but I want more."

I want more adventure.
I want more time in the woods.
I want more time in the water.
I want more money.
I want more people to attend my church.
I want more of a ministry.
I want more children.
I want more camera equipment.
I want more tools.
Having dreams and desires are not BAD. I know that God knows me better than anyone including myself, so He knows that I want children, a ranch, a photography business, etc. But when I start looking at all the things that He has not given me, I forget to be grateful for all the things that I am holding in the moment.
I lose peace. I lose joy. I lose trust. I lose comfort.
In the end... I lose.
Now, I'm not saying be lazy. There is no waiting at home for Mr. Right to come walking through your door (no matter how many times you tell God you don't want a boyfriend), but don't be crazy.
Be still and know that He is God (not you, or the coconut oil).
Know that He stilled the wind and all was calm. (Not me...Panic mode!)
Be still.
Be still.
Be still.
And when He says, "Okay, this is next." Do not hesitate... GO!
Obedience precedes joy.
I spent much of my young adult life searching for the next best thing. Not all of my wanderings were selfish, but I spent much of that searching coming up with plans that were not of God. I wasted time wanting the more and not enjoying the moment of peace that God was giving me, and you know what... looking back, there are times that I miss those times, and I think "why didn't I take advantage of what God was trying to give me in the moment?" Cause the reality is, I'm still young, and when you have children, they are yours for life. So maybe God is saying, "Hey you! Stop. Be still. Do what I have you to do, and children will come when the come. Quit stressing... you will get back in the woods soon, and there are more adventures waiting, but for right now... I need you to clean your husband's socks. I need to you love on those children so that they do not grow old not knowing love. I need you to witness to your neighbor and send cookies to the girls down the street. This is what I have for you. So do what I say and have peace. I am giving you peace in the chaos. Take it, cause you don't want to miss what I've got planned for you."
I like the feeling of being healthy, and I think organic food tastes like 8,000 times better than anything else in the world. I like taking my thyroid aid, and I may even try metformin again, but the reality is, God is the creator of life, and when He is ready... I will hold a life in my arms that looks a lot like a Bean. (And it will probably be a girl).
house wives,
season of life,
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