Thursday, May 24, 2012

30 Before 30

     What is it about starting a new adventure in life that makes us want to review our life?  I guess that is a sill question, but I do feel as if life goes so quickly I have to take time to review what I have actually done.  What started as an assignment for my students (the last assignment I ever gave them) has now became a great adventure in the Bean household.  So here it 30 Before 30 (30 things I would like to do before I turned 30 years old).

1. Have children
2. Go to another country
3. Be published
4. Run the mud-run
5. Run a half-marathon
6. Be involved with a ministry
7. Go on a spontaneous trip
8. Get a tattoo
9. Have a photography business
10. Go white water rafting.
11. Buy a pair of Chacos
12. Play the guitar on stage.
13. Work at a coffee shop
14. Drink wine at a vineyard.
15. Go sking with Michael
16. Become a free and happy housewife
17. Go to D.C. in the winter
18. Kayak More
19. Dance barefoot, on the sand, in the rain
20. Take a ride on a train.
21. Hike at least 20 trails.
22. Go on one backpacking trip
23. Own a small house
24. Help a trafficked victim
25. Ride a horse in the country
26. Learn another language
27. Take a picture with a child from another country in another country
28. Donate hair to locks of love
29. Visit the Grand Canyon and the Redwoods
30. Have a home where the Spirit is free to move, where food is good and healthy, where it looks comfortable and fun, and where people can come to feel happy and safe.

                         I don't know if I will accomplish all or any of these, but it is fun to dream.  However, we have officially started saving for a trip to Europe, and we are going hiking over our anniversary weekend.  What about you?  If you had to do a 30 before 30 or a 40 before 40 list, what would be on the list?


  1. Don't think we have time for 50 before 50, but perhaps if we were to get busy and dream simple we could rise to the challenge. Btw you are published, online that is:)!

    On my list- enter a quilt show, raise chickens, run 5k, learn to do sit ups well, figure out how to grow onions, build a fountain for my garden, make a garden path, see grand canyon, enjoy a night of the aura boreal is, bike down a wooden path, spend a week in a cabin by a lake, take computer classes....just a few things that would be on my list.

    1. Tell me when a quilt show is coming up because I really think you should enter the one you did for the fair. Also, when Michael and I come down in July, we will help you build a chicken coop... and I think it takes a miracle to grow onions.

  2. I can help you with these ones :)

    10. Go white water rafting.
    11. Buy a pair of Chacos
    15. Go sking with Michael
    17. Go to D.C. in the winter
    21. Hike at least 20 trails.
    22. Go on one backpacking trip

  3. Suggestion: Knock 3 off the list at the same time: When you go to Europe, do so with just backpacks (kind that sits on the hips, but is small enough to be check-on luggage on the plane) and travel by train while there. Traveling with backpack is so much easier than suitcases and trains there are great.
