Today, I'm thankful that....

1. I stayed up too late making pumpkin cookies last night, and they turned out really good.
2. We get to wear jeans all week at school because we are celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness.
3. Tonight is House Church, and I don't have to cook.
4. My house is clean.
5. I made a fall arrangement on my dinning room table with some corn from the store and grain from Momma Bean oh yeah... and of course pumpkins.
6. The smell of pumpkin fills my house.
7. I found a very expensive febreeze air freshner thing at Big Lots for only 4 dollars.
8. Once again, I did all of our grocery shopping for the next two weeks yesterday for only 80 dollars.
9. That it is gonna jump up to 80 degrees today... HAPPY FACE!
10. Monday is library day, and I get some time at school today to catch up on all the things I am behind on... which is a lot.
11. We drew Christmas names for two families yesterday... yay Christmas shopping!!!
12. Passion is only a couple of months away!
13. I have an amazing husband in Michael Taylor Bean.
14. I know now what it means to be pregnant. And I loved it!!!
15. I stumbled on the amazing music artist Ingrid Michaelson.
16. My husband will let me listen to Ingrid Michaelson.
17. My husband started a blog...
18. I have two amazing churches.
19. Tiffin Hubbard challenged all of us at church yesterday, and my husband and I are up for the challenge.
20. There is such a thing as a guitar.

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