Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Michael and I's First Christmas(ish)

Because Michael and I are leaving for Atlanta the night before Christmas Eve and we will be spending most of the holidays on the road, with friends, or at an hotel, we decided that we would celebrate Christmas a weekend early. We had a great time celebrating our very first Christmas as a married couple together. We drove around town delivering gifts to family and friends, and we even made a few unexpected stops. Here are a few pictures of our night together.

I made finger food for dinner because I just get so sick of eating around the holidays, but after Michael and I were on our way home, we were too hungry for just finger foods. We ended up ordering a pizza from Pizza Hut and sharing a couple of cokes from glass bottles. It was a good Christmas Eve dinner!

We decided instead of sleeping in our bed, a better option would be to make a pallett on the floor so that we could watch a movie and fall asleep under the Christmas lights. Problem #1 was that we were so excited about opening Christmas presents that it was hard to stay asleep. Problem #2 is that we have concrete floors. Next year, we are buying an air matress.

Starting new traditions is a great joy in my new little family. Also taking some old traditions from the past and incorporating them into my life now is so much fun. We get to open one gift on Christmas Eve. :) This was my gift, and they were beautiful pajamas. Michael got to open up his pajamas as well. Another tradition Michael and I are trying to start is that we each have to make one gift. This year I got a whole bunch of spices in my stocking because Michael had made me this beautiful spice rack. It isn't quite finished. I get to paint it myself.

Michael opening his big gift. I guess we are on our way to being a musical family.
My big gift was a new Bible, and it had my married name on it!

Stocking Suffers

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