In 16 days, my husband and I will land in the great city of Atlanta, Georgia. I have only been there twice before, but there is a feeling about any city that I just can't shake. Though, I will always desire to live in the country, the city is such a great mission field. My heart breaks for the city, but "there is hope" to quote Mrs. Beaver from Narnia. My husband and I are going to enjoy the city while we are there, I'm not gonna lie. I guess that would be the "trip" part of the word "mission trip."
Maybe that is why they call it a "mission trip?" Oh well...
However, my husband and I are not going to Atlanta for just a trip, my husband and I are going to go to Atlanta to serve with Nightlight International Atlanta. www.nightlightinternational.org
Haha, I say serve. I am pretty sure for the most part both my husband and I will be silent praying that we remember all of the rules and regulations Nightlight sent us and hoping to learn as much as we can from an organization who is making a huge difference in the red light districts of Atlanta, Los Angles, and Thailand. Both Michael and I are excited about the oppurtunity, but to say that we were not afraid would be lying.
So What Will We Be Doing?
Michael and I will be working with both the internvention and prevention teams. We will be helping Nightlight with a Christmas party that they are hosting for at-risk youth in the Atlanta area. We will also be going out with their outreach program both Friday nights that we are in town. Nightlight's outreach program goes into the two major redlight districts of Atlanta and prays with the girls who are caught up in the sex industry.
Why Are We Doing This?
We feel like God has led our hearts to this type of ministry, and for the sake of me I do not know why He would pick us, but we are trying to stay unafraid and open to God's voice. Michael and I have discussed several times that we would like to open a camp or safe house for girls and children coming out of human trafficking or the sex industry. We are really not sure which as of yet, but they sort of go hand in hand. Michael and I have gotten to spend a little time in the last year working under the leadership of Not For Sale Arkansas, but with my busy school schedule, we have had to put our work on hold for a little while. Nightlight Atlanta has set up relationships with most of the club owners in the red light districts, however, so they have a different type of ministry happening. Michael and I both feel like we will get a better insight to this type of work by going to Atlanta and working under Nightlight. However, that is not to say that Michael and I are not very aware that we have major issues of this sort occuring in Arkansas as well. Believe me, the feeling I get from being in Atlanta is the same feeling I get by being in Conway. There is just something about the city.

Thursday 22nd: Michael and I leave for Alabama
Friday 23rd: Michael and I arrive in Atlanta. Christmas Party. First Outreach.
Saturday (early morning) 24th: Michael and I travel back to Alabama.
Sunday 25th (Merry Christmas): Michael and I travel back to Arkansas.
Thursday 29th: Michael and I travel back to Alabama.
Friday the 30th: Michael and I travel back to Atlanta. 2nd Outreach.
Saturday 31 (happy New Year's Eve): Michael and I will watch the Peach Drop!
Sunday 1: Michael and I will tailgate for our first NFL game, whether or not we attend is still in Debate.
Monday 2-Thursday 5: Michael and I attend Passion 2012
God has provided more than enough for this trip! The only thing Michael and I asked for was that our friends and family purchase gas cards for us this year for Christmas, and if you feel led to pray our specific prayer needs are as follows :
That the ministry be blessed with an abundance of men when Michael and I go. The men sit in the parking lots when the women go into the clubs. I am afraid of Michael being in the parking lot by himself.
That our car/truck make both trips without any problems.
That Michael and I can remember all the rules and regulations concerning our behavior.
Finally, that we are slow to speak and quick to listen.
Be great to see you guys and do yell if we can help
ReplyDeleteMy prayers will be with you both for all of your needs and that they will all be met. I also pray that God will use you both to spread his word and minister to the broken souls that you are bound to encounter. God go with you both.
ReplyDeleteHugs XX