Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What Makes a Man a Man?

What makes a man a man?

Does mere adulthood qualify a man to be considered/called a man?

I am teaching Economics to my special education students next semester… now there’s a laugh. I took that course in college, and I struggled to understand. However, the most important thing is supply and demand right?

Supply and Demand.

Supply and DEMAND.

The sex industry and human trafficking is a multiBILLION dollar industry.

Supply and Demand.

I am beginning to believe that if God actually does continue to direct my husband and me into this particular type of ministry, my husband may actually have a more important role than I have. My job is to tell girls that there is freedom in the love of Christ and that He can break the bondage that these girls may have been placed in at a very early age. My job is to offer a way out and defeat the lies the enemy feeds into their heads about there being no way out of the industry once you either willing step in or get thrown in.

However, according to economics if there was no DEMAND than there would not be a need for a SUPPLY.


So then, is my husband’s job to find a way to decrease the demand?

I heard once that the men that travel to Thailand to visit the red light districts usually go on business trips. This means that these particular men are the men out there that are making the big money. These are the men that unknowing college students desire to be like. These are the real “men” of our society.

Is that what a man is though… someone who makes a lot of money?

Men were naturally made stronger than women so that men could protect women. Why, then, are there women too afraid to speak about the bruises that they bear?

I have spoken with women before who long to be at home taking care of their house and their children, but because of the money choices when it has come to debt, these women must continue working.

I am not a “man-hater.” I do battle between feelings of hate and disgust and feelings of grief when I think about the men out there. Did anybody teach them what it means to be a man, husband, or father? My heart breaks for them, and I fall on my knees in thanksgiving that my husband’s father stood by his sons. He taught them the value of work. He taught them how to hold a child, love their wives, and my wonderful mother-in-law taught her sons how to respect.

In my house, a courageous man lives. A man who prays, laughs, cleans, and loves. A man who is patient and kind hangs his keys in my hallway. A man who seeks wisdom from the word of God and works until his whole body hurts sleeps in my bed. A man who is never too tired to play or go on crazy adventures eats at my table. A man who is quick to forgive holds my hand when we pray. A man who leads a family in truth and not in manipulation or force wakes me up every morning with a smile and on occasion, breakfast.

I am able to be this Proverbs 31 woman the Bible declares because of the God I serve and the man I share my life with.

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