A camera cannot bring out the true beauty of this amazing rag doll. We finished making them at church last night, and we I got in the truck with my husband I just kept looking at it and smiling. I almost felt as if I had turned five-years-old again, and this was the new doll that I have begging my mother and father to buy me. I smile when I think about the day that I have little girls old enough to make these dolls. They are not difficult, just scraps of linen torn and knotted together, and they are not expensive. However, it is becoming increasinlgy interesting to me how much we cherish those things that are not expensive or difficult. The simplicity in beauty. Who says you cannot find enjoyment if you are poor?
The meaning behind this doll though is so important. It stands as a symbol for women coming to the Lord and seeking forgiveness for their actions. I love being a newlywed. There is always something to learn and see and do, but I must be honest... most of the time I feel like a failure. Anyone else have that feeling? I have a full time teaching job, and I am trying to make a good home and run about 3-4 ministries. There is a lot of room for failure... like the fact that I still have about three loads of laundry left and my kitchen is a wreck. Not only that, but my dear husband is a people person, and from the moment he gets home until we go to bed, we spend most of our nights visiting people and loving on them. This was great this past summer when I was home and able to get everything I needed to get done before he got home, but now, many things get put on hold... and it can be exhausting. It also leaves a lot of room for Satan to attack... like last night when I spent 15 minutes in the car before church just in tears. God teaches a lot through the storms though, and I am sure that every minutes spent in the chiropratic office and every moment at school will soon be some great lesson someday.
My husband is good though. Each feeble attempt I make at being a good wife he lifts up in excitement and joy. He excites over me even though my feeble attempts seem like rags. Isn't that what we give God? He takes our rags and makes beautiful things out of them. He took me and made a doll, individual and beautiful. You want to know something cooler I learned while making this doll? This doll did none of the work. I made her. I made her parts, stitched her together and even clothed her. I spent special time on areas that I felt were most difficult, and I took an unusual amount of time picking out the fabric to make her dress. The whole time, this doll just sat there and offered herself to be used. I pray each day that I make myself available for God to use... even when it hurts sometimes. Michael and I have talked in depth about me staying at home next year, but I am not at next year yet.
I am right there with you! Although I'm not dealing with a full time job just yet, I am a full time grad student, working a part time job and trying to manage the apartment and be a newlywed. It seems like I always have about 4 or 5 loads of laundry to do, one in a basket to fold, dishes to get through the dishwasher and there's always the kitten's litter box to clean! It is so much to do and I get frustrated because I feel so overwhelmed and I can't get done what I want to get done. Basically, I know what you mean and I'm struggling with it to. <3