Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wasting Time
Last night, after a time of fellowship, my darling and I went back to my house to decorate my tree!
It is a Charlie Brown type Christmas tree and has been the best Christmas present.
We did not finish...why?
My darling boyfriend and I LOVE to "waste" time together. We have crazy busy schedules, but we take our time and "disappear" on Saturday mornings as much as possible. Sometimes, we stay up a little too late just to chat with one another. Sometimes, we just sit on my couch and stare at the Christmas light glistening on my tree.
We have deep meaningful conversations on occasion, but a lot of the times, we just spend talking and laughing. Sometimes, we just read books or spend time doing the things we need to get done.
We just LOVE to be in one another's presence.
Our Heavenly Father loves us, and He too loves to just "waste" time with us. This doesn't mean that we always have to have deep meaningful conversations. Sometimes, He just loves to hear us laugh. Sometimes, He just loves to watch His beauty surround us. I am amazed by how many times I shut Him out of my life because I am too busy, but I picture Him sitting here beside me as I write these words. Perhaps He is just watching me practicing the gift He gave me and is staring "enthralled" with my beauty. Perhaps, He is just quietly waiting for me to turn to Him and cry that I need help. Perhaps, when I go home, I will just sip on a cup of tea and waste time looking at the Christmas light on my tree with Him. The Bible says to "Pray without Ceasing." To me, this has become more of a state of mind. I finally tell myself, "Paula, go waste time with God. He is your Beloved, and all that other stuff can wait."
I am encouraged by these words.
I am encouraged that I have a Father whom I can tell,
Daddy, I can't find the words to speak, so can we just sit here. Amen.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Lesson in Grace: Getting it All for Nothing
Friday, November 26, 2010
Lesson on Grace: Replacing Pride with Love
- Keeping God's word is the proof that we love God. "But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him." 1 John 2:5
- When we love our brother; we will live without stumbling. "He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him." 1 John 2:10
- We are not to love the world or the things in the world. "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2:15
- We cannot love the world and love God also. 1 John 2:15
- God's love prompted Him to make us His children through the death of His son. "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him." 1 John 3:1
- Loving other believers is a fundamental requirement of the Christian life. "For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another." 1 John 3:11
- Genuine love always results in action --- not merely sentimental words. "But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?" 1 John 3:17
- God is the source of all love. "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7
- Mature love does not produce fear but instead imparts courage. "Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgement; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love' but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:17-19
- Long before we loved God, He loved us first. "We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Learning Grace, Love, and Joy
Two and a half months ago, I sat in a kitchen in Alabama updating my blog determined that during my adventures sure to come this year, I would keep up with my blog, then reality made itself known to this girl. I got a new job, new car, new house, and a new relationship in little less than a month. Oswald Chambers says that we are to prepare for battle during times of peace. How I felt so ill prepared for this time of transition in my life. After so many months of transition without taking the time to stand back and reflect, I was done! I looked into the eyes of the dear man that God has given me and begged for a weekend trip to Alabama, to home! This man, who loves me more than I will ever be able to explain, put into words, or even understand could not bear to say no to something he knew to be so dear to me, therefore, now, I sit in my beloved's arms watching a movie with good friends after a long day of honest work and life. I am blessed to be able to sit and reflect on the life that God has given me, and though I know after the long trip home I will be tired and will face new challenges, but for now, I can rest. I am striving to trust the Lord and the man the Lord gave me enough to abolish worry. After a time of short reflection, these are the things that I can safely say that Lord has taught/shown me.
1. I am a blessed child. I have an amazing job that allows me to minister to busy, confused, lovable teenagers. I get to invest in the lives of people who have the ability to change the world. I spend my time as Miss Verser, the teacher, counselor, mother of over a hundred children. Several years ago I was diagnosed with Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome and was told that I would never have children...I laugh at those doctors now. I am a mother! That being said, I also have the most amazing... MOST AMAZING... man on the face of the planet. I don't even really know how to describe the blessing that God has given me. He, as in God, as shown me so much through the love of this man. Many days I just stare at Michael in complete amazement of who God has given me. I know someday that we will fight about silly things, and I know we will hurt each other, but sometimes, I just want to shake those people who spend their time despising the one they once called beloved. I want to open their eyes to what they have. I want to give each woman who has ever been abused a man like mine! I want to share my story with each and every woman to encourage them that God does hear their prayer. Michael and I are not perfect by any means, but what I have is a gift from an amazing God who longs to provide. I can not say enough good things about my gift, and in ten years or so... my desire is to still constantly fall in love with this man.
2. Relationships do not cure loneliness. We are filled by the Lord and our deliberate choice to sacrifice our lives and follow after Him. It is a horrid lie our society gives us that in order to feel (insert word here) you need a mate. Honestly, it isn't just a society thing either, the church fills you with that idea as well. Granted, we were made to have mates. Our desire to be loved and love in a physical manner is not a sin...I repeat our desire to be loved and love in a physical manner is not a sin, and it doesn't make you any less of a Christian to want that! However, to center your whole life around the idea of being a wife, mother, girlfriend is setting yourself up for some disappointment. The Proverbs 31 woman loved God first!!! Her family and husband were highly important to her, but she feared and loved God first, and in that she gained the ability to love and serve her children. I am not sure how to do this just yet. God and I discuss on a regular basis how to love Him and Michael at the same time. I am no where near to where I need to be on that issue. My personal relationship with God suffers on occasion because I am wrapped up in seeing and being with Michael. It is easy to run to Michael when things get hard because I can touch him and crawl up into his arms, but the reality is...Michael is not my God. There are ways, many, that Michael can not fulfill me. When hard things happen, Michael is not always able to be there, and he does not always have the right answer. I was driving the other day after a hard day of just being lonely. My friendships have suffered in crazy ways this year for various reasons. I had to stop and thank God for teaching me to be content with just Him. Even with Michael, I must be content with Him.
3. Lets briefly talk about sex. I hate, HATE, the way our society portrays sex. In my new car, that God provided for free, I could only pick up one station, the local pop station. I keep the music on to stay awake, but after hearing about porn stars, getting it on in clubs, and how people don't want to be anything just want a night, I had to turn it off and pull over for a minute. I hate the way we tell teens that it is okay to have sex as long as you use protection, as if we honestly believe that the only thing to worry about is the fear of pregnancy or STD's. Do we honestly, as a society, believe that there are NO emotional connections in sex? Do we honestly believe that multiple sex partners does not harm the people involved? I can't go into detail, but I am finding it hard to be angry at the idea people who are starting to have sex at younger ages. Let me rephrase, I am finding it hard to be angry with the young people involved in having sex at younger ages. What are we telling them? Are we really informing them of the dangers and not just the you might have a baby issue? Because of a forgiven past, the idea of sex was tainted at a young age. The sanctify of physical intimacy within marriage is crucial. I will strive to teach my daughters and sons the importance of this fact! As for the music issue, I bought a new Ipod that hooks up to my tape player... problem solved! :)
4. GOD LOVES US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Michael and I first started dating, it was as if we had won a great prize! I can't explain it to you fully, but if you have ever looked in the eyes of a man/woman who loved you, maybe you understand. Michael would look at me as if I was the most beautiful, most intelligent, most prized woman he could ever want or desire. I have never seen anyone look or desire me in that way. Michael and I have a beautiful love story, and I hope each day that our story ends in marriage. One day while looking at Michael look at me, one of most favorite past times, the verse Psalm 45:11 came to mind. "The Lord is ENTHRALLED with your beauty." It finally made sense. Michael could love me so much, and he did it with a heart of a man... how much more the Lord must love us!
5. A relationship can build a person up or take a person down. I assume that verse speaks for itself, but I would like to caution any of you, the limited few who read this, and are considering getting into a relationship. Michael draws me closer to God. Michael protects and provides for me in ways I can't even fully understand. He builds me up and encourages me to chase after my dreams. He works hard. I just threw that in, but it is worth saying.
6. Joy is a choice. For those who are Christians. WE WIN IN THE END!!!!!!! Have joy, and do not worry. God's got it under control!
7. I don't really know how to even begin this section, but I wanted to end with this. There is this thing called grace. I, in no way, understand how it works, and for the longest time I thought I did. I see the idea of grace popping up again and again in my life, and I want to start researching it through the word, so hopefully (after a few trips to Starbucks) my idea of grace will be fully developed. I am a first year teacher. I never have anything done on time. Sometimes, my students look at me and I KNOW they are not getting anything I am teaching. I am too hard on some students and let some students get away with crazy stuff. I never have my house clean... never, and I love a clean house. I have high expectations of myself. I do not know how to be a girlfriend by any means... I am not even really sure if this whole dating thing is worth it... I'm thinking friends to marriage! I complain, eat too much ice cream, forget to go to the gym, I talk too much, and miss opportunities to share God's word. I fail! I hold expectations of the people around me, and more often than not, they are too high. People fail. I have seen people including myself torn down by Christians who proclaim the truth of Christ and the love of Christ, but refuse to let people fail. I am reading this book about grace, and the first thing this book talks about is a woman who is starting to prostitute her daughter out in order to provide for her drug habit. When asked if she had gone to a church to seek help, she laughed and said, "I already feel bad about myself, and I don't need to feel worse." Does that speak love? On several occasions, I have found myself in a hard spot. Either when I am struggling with school or Michael and I are struggling in one way or another, sadly, I am seeing that the last place I want to run to seek help are those who love the Lord. I get scared. I understand how the enemy uses this against people. I want to learn how to live a life that proclaim Christ through LOVE, GRACE, and JOY. I want to show Michael grace and learn how to accept grace. I am learning that once again that many of my views of God given to me since birth are very wrong, but more on this later.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Savior Please, Keep Saving Me
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A New Kind of Lonliness
Let me set this up... I am interning at camp this summer which means that one to two hours a day I run around the front office learning how to run a ministry. This is important for me because as I grow older God continues to lead me to ministry roles not at home...or perhaps not in the USA. I was running around halfway getting ready for the night-time activity and halfway babysitting the night-time director's daughter. The little girl's name is Avery, and I was trying to tell her to watch out for something. Quickly, as I shut a door I said, "watch out Embery." The night-time director looked back at me and said, "You called her Embery... her name is Avery. I guess you just did it out of habit." I smiled and agreed, but the moment stuck with me.

I am such a leader here. I am given so many roles that I take on with gusto, and God in His mighty way gives me the ability to do great things even when I feel completely incapable. I am the "Jesus girl." I am the one that people come back early on their night's out so they can help with my showtimes (I teach TrashCan Band). I am the girl that gets people excited when I sign up for a campfire or counselor encouragment. I get so lonely here. I begin to wonder what people like Beth Moore and Loui Gigilo struggle with. I wonder if it is the same type of lonliness that I struggle with here? I am excited that God gets to use me in amazing ways, and I strive for the faith it takes to be willing to be used. Many times that faith falls short. I ask myself on many occassions, "if God said be single and be my missionary, could I do it?" I desire to have a home. I desire to have a family, but I long to follow the Lord in a passionate pursuit, and my "what if's" DESTROY my faith.
In Luke Jesus speaks with a man that desired to follow Him. Jesus answers with, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." (Luke 9:56-59). I have to believe that Jesus is enough. I have to continue to long for Him and continue to long to follow Him. Look at all that He has given me through my faithfullness, and I now in desperation I pray for mercy on my lonliness (a new kind of lonliness where people are not in short supply but nothing really feels concrete or safe). I pray for faith... a new thing for me. I still continue to pray for a husband... not that it would solve my problems, but it would be a much desired gift. I pray for courage, and strength. I am human, and I with a heavy heart I cry out, "Savior, Please keep saving me!"
I do not know if God is preparing me for third world or overseas missions, but I hope that I am like Ruth. Ruth followed with a full heart with little to no regard about what was assumed she was giving up to follow Naomi. I miss my friends. I miss my Kathryn and Tracy, and as silly as it sounds many times I miss my future husband. How can you miss someone you have never known? I miss my Embery bear, and I am tired of spending my life MISSING something or someone.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Adventures in Hiking

We all wore tank tops and shorts that day, even the guys. We were a pesky group of college students fighting for survival in a world that told us how we lived and what we believed was old-fashion, silly, and wrong. We spent all week planning the trip, well perhaps all summer, and we spent all morning getting everybody up and ready. All seven of us would travel to the waterfall hike. We would make our way down the cliffs, take lots of goofy pictures, and when we finally reached our destination we would strip down to sport bras and cutoff shorts and jump in. It was sure to be a most memorable day, and it really was. After the swim, before we split up into the group that would go home and the group that would go on, we took a photo that will forever be eched in my memory. A photo that spoke of the laughter we shared when we jumped off rocks into the deep unknown. It was a photo that spoke of the lighthearted spirit of dancing beneath the waterfall's kisses. It also spoke of change. Friends about to be torn in different directions. Young hearts about to find eachother for life, and young spirits about to start blowing where the wind took them. Perhaps it was just a photo of all us college kids drenched in tank tops and shorts perched on a rock with smiles, water bottles, and morning made sandwhiches, but it is so important to me.

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Why Should I Benefit from His Reward
About two and half weeks ago I was sitting on the couch at the Varian household when the fantastic Ms. Mary brought me this amazing coffee drink with beautiful whip cream on top. When I decided about five minutes earlier that I wanted some of her famous "coffee-goo" I arose from the couch to go make me some. Ms. Mary caught me before I entered the kitchen and told me to return to my movie, for she would make it for me. I did as I was told. At Ms. Mary's house you do as your told. With my beloved treat in my hands I smiled as Ms. Mary's youngest son scowled at me and told me that I was spoiled. I smiled a victorious smile, but the idea stayed with me.
"And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full."
John 16:23-24
I am spoiled. With Sam's words ringing in my ear, I started contemplating all the things that I have asked my Father and did not receive. My conclusion was this: there is VERY LITTLE that I have asked and not be given. There was this beautiful apartment by my college that I wanted. I prayed for this apartment. I had no credit, no background, and I was living in a horrible environment. I filled out the background check and prayed that something would come through. I got a phone call from a woman that worked with the rental company. With joy in her voice she exclaimed that she knew me from a random co-ed slow pitch softball team I played with for maybe three games. She told the rental agency that I would be a fantastic tenant, and the apartment I wanted was handed to me on a silver platter. Now two years later, I've started asking God for a house with a backyard. My wish was granted a few weeks ago, and when I return to Conway, I will be moving into a house with a backyard and a tire swing.
I could name dream after dream that was answered after I petitioned my Father. Here recently, I took a giant step in faith. I have always been afraid to ask my Father for a husband because I did not think that I was worthy of such an amazing gift. I claimed and lied to myself that marriage was not a huge deal in my life, and after a while, I believed myself. Through many eye opening events, however, I decided that there three desires of my heart. I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to do mission work and travel, and I wanted a husband. After months and months of asking God to reveal to me the desires of my heart, I began to pray for a husband and the opportunity to do mission work. As of right now, I do not know how any of this will turn out, but I see the wheels already began in motion in several areas of my life.

The verse above is HUGE! The old saying, "Be careful for what you ask for because you might just get it," rings true as well. I bought an old junk car to get me back and forth to my internship. My prayer was that it would last until the last day of my internship. As I was driving home my last day, it broke. In desperation I surrendered my life and summer to God as I prayed for a teaching job before graduation that would not interfere with my summer plans in going to Alabama. I am now an English teacher at a school that did not have any conflicting dates. Even now, where I sit at my beloved Varians is an answered prayer. My God has continued to provide money, events, and moments in my life because I simply ask. He is my Daddy, and He loves to take care of me.
So what pushed my giant leap of faith? After it was clear what my heart wanted, and after God started showing Himself faithful again and again, I asked for something simple and even a little silly. At orientation at camp a friend and co-counselor of mine four three four-leaf clovers during a game. Now, I have NEVER SEEN a four-leaf clover, and I have spent countless hours searching for them. I had about decided that they didn't exist (stolen by some random leprechaun perhaps). I prayed for one. It was a simple and childlike prayer. God has answered so many prayers this past year, and to ask for a four-leaf clover seemed stupid, but I wanted one, and more than that, I wanted to give God another chance to express His love for me. My fears usually get in the way of my dreams, and as my dreams were becoming more clear to me, my fear that those dreams would not be filled soared.
I was walking from the gym to the cabin late one day probably going to get ready for dinner or another meeting. When I walk alone I usually walk with my head down...I'm just clumsy. Quick and simple...I found a four-leaf clover. It just appeared, and I found it! It now lives in my Bible under the above verses as a memory that we must dare to dream because God wants to give.
Dare to Dream.
Ask and Receive.
Friday, May 28, 2010
American Honey
The Varian household has proven to be a God-given place of rest, restoration, growth, and fun for me. The first thing Ms. Mary notices about me when I first get here is that I look tired, and when you consider how I live my day to day life...I am tired. I am thankful for a period of rest. Yesterday, I swung on a tree swing, jumped on a trampoline, chased fireflies, talked to friends that I haven't gotten a chance to sit down and talk to in a long time, read, and learned two new songs on my guitar. I also took a nap! A real nap! A nap uninturrupted by a four-year old or phone ringing, or to-do list. Honestly, the only reason I have completly disposed of my phone now is that I would like to know the moment that Tracy goes into labor, and there are several friends that I do not want to lose touch with.
Thankful. I am thankful! In Paul's letters, we are called to be thankful.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Packing Boxes and Fireflies
Thursday, May 20, 2010
PCOS Drama

In Alabama, in the mountains, the nights brought a cool rest from the sun’s relentless fury. With only the soft sound of small fans posted at random bunks within the room, I would stare out at the leaves entangled in themselves dancing in the endless mountain wind. The feeling that I was the only one awake, the only one alive, the only one that ever had or was ever to exist comforted the ever present loneliness that resided in people called, “different.” I didn’t have to fight for survival at night. My thoughts were not interrupted at night. I could sit and pray, or I could sit and stare into the darkness searching for answers that were not coming from the wind or the trees: or maybe they were.
The same feeling, the same moment came in Ohio and Virginia, and standing with my toes barely touching the surf in Florida I watched the night dancers tell the stories of the worlds across the vast ocean. I felt small, comforted in my smallness, as if for once in my life it was revealed to me that the sun did not rise nor set on my timeline but on my Father’s. Through the night’s endless mystery and wonder, I am brought back to the understanding that the busyness of the day is just that, and I am still a princess who has a better promise waiting than the pleasures of this world. Several bus trips from Tennessee and saying goodbye to the mountains of Colorado as they vanished into the darkness has all brought me to the same conclusion; I am astonished how the night has brought such knowledge.
When I was a child, I played for hours until it was too late in the night to even recognize that another human lived in my house. Many times in my exhaustion, I would just settle myself where I was playing and sleep. My dad had the habit of dragging me out into the dark mystery for ice cream, and we would sit and watch the Wal-Mart shoppers walk in and out going on with their lives. My favorite memories are of my dad and I sitting in that parking lot making up stories for the people we saw. How odd it is to see people walk from place to place, to take part in their life, and they never know it. When I was a child, I packed my bags during the night to leave my house. It was during the night that I crawled silently into a stranger’s house not knowing when I would be home. My tears were dried by my pillow’s softness, and the night became a gift… a time to recover my emotions and began again. Even the times when I could not even see because the darkness of my new situation was too great, I knew I was surrounded by my Father’s angels fighting for His daughter and His princess.

How is it that in the daylight hours a person can run from the truth but when the night comes all is revealed? Leaving the Kappa Sigma house on that cold evening I watched the stars as they guided me home. A life that was completely messed up was still being protected, still being cared for, and the truth was ever present, being told through the stars. It was in the solitude of the night that I could not run, and eventually, it was the solitude of the night when I chose to stop running. I had accepted the idea that I was not worthy of anything but had been given everything.As a person grows, their nights change. My nights describe my moment in life. My nights went from long phone conversations with lots of smiles and big plans to making it back by curfew and growing friendships with women across the United States. My nights went from the pain of living in a place of constant struggle to a group of family and friends that forced their way into a stone cold heart.
My nights have been filled with goodbyes and new adventures, and my nights contain me here where my Father has so carefully placed me. Where through steps of trust and faith, I have become a new creation rarely remembering the life I used to call my own. I have spent nights in the back of pick-up trucks and on docks beside lakes. I have taken chances and made some very stupid mistakes in the nights I have been given, and I have shared my life and room with several beautiful women and children that I have gotten to watch sleep soundly through the night. I am a fan of the nights, maybe too much. Right now I play quiet music while I pour my thoughts out onto a piece of paper while my amazing roommate and my beautiful Embery Bear dream in the room next to me. My life has truly been touched and blessed in so many ways. The book of
Proverbs simply states:
How HUGE is this statement? Here I stand, a scared child wondering what lies ahead. I have spent the last five years of my life in pursuit of an education degree, and now my passion is not even found there. I have no idea where I am going, and the changes that have occurred around me have been tremendous. They have been big enough, at least, that I feel as if I am playing catch up most of the time. God has revealed little to me this year and though I joke that He is watching carefully calling for my trust, I know that He is. He watches me and announces at every turn that He has given me every desire of my heart and I am silly for not realizing that He is providing a future and a hope for me, but I put out my desperate attempts thinking I can fix something that I have determined has went terribly wrong.
It is frustrating that I have found myself in this particular situation, but I was prepared for it and I firmly believe that I am being equipped for something huge. I have changed my mind at least a hundred times in the past month of what I want to do with my life, of who I am going to like, etc, and I have claimed peace over my life in the name of my Father who is the only one that provides true peace. I will win in this hour and the next because I am bound for sleep, but as for tomorrow the battle rages on. The Lord has called me a conqueror though, so I walk into the battle with my head held high knowing that what I contain is more important than anything the enemy can through at me. And when it gets all too hard, I remember that night in New York City where I fell asleep believing that dreams really can come true.