Saturday, December 31, 2011
This is my Heart
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Have you ever been in a Brothel?
Friday, December 23, 2011
I should be sleeping....
I wish I could have more pictures. I wish I had pictures of the little babies that I got to kiss, tickle, and love on this afternoon. I wish I had pictures of Michael carrying two or three boxes of food across the street to the hotel/shelter/housing area. (We were really not sure exactly what it was.) I wish I even had pictures of the traveling itself, but honestly, it feels like I woke up around 10am yesterday, and have not stopped moving. God has been good to us as far as travels go, and Michael and I (though tired) really do have a lot of energy coming from Him alone, and we pray this energy sustains until we finally get to rest again tonight.
We finally arrived in Atlanta today a few minutes late because we forgot about the time change. We drove straight into the church parking lot changing at a gas station a few miles away. We took turns sleeping and driving, and we did stop in Alabama at a friend's home to get a couple of hours rest in a real bed. As soon as we got to the church it was go-time. We were bussed to a warehouse where there seemed a few hundred people were gathered awaiting the "Christmas Party." There was a place for children to get haircuts, inflateables, a Santa Claus where you could get a picture, a food bank where you could pick up a few boxes of food, an area to get clothes, an area to get some pizza and something to drink, and finally, a prayer tent. I honestly did not get to watch a whole lot of the action. Michael and I were put to work almost immediately. Three different areas were invited. They live in what was explained as hotels, but I'm not very sure if the hotels themselves are still in business.
I don't have much longer. We have to get up from our nap, get dressed in warmish clothes, and then head back out. I am going to beg Michael to stop at a Starbucks! We go out on the streets tonight, and when we return I will post again as soon as I am able to explain what my heart is struggling with. Michael and I are safe. We are staying in a good place, and we are having a blast. Thank you for all of your prayers.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
What Makes a Man a Man?
Does mere adulthood qualify a man to be considered/called a man?
I am teaching Economics to my special education students next semester… now there’s a laugh. I took that course in college, and I struggled to understand. However, the most important thing is supply and demand right?
Supply and Demand.
Supply and DEMAND.
The sex industry and human trafficking is a multiBILLION dollar industry.
Supply and Demand.
I am beginning to believe that if God actually does continue to direct my husband and me into this particular type of ministry, my husband may actually have a more important role than I have. My job is to tell girls that there is freedom in the love of Christ and that He can break the bondage that these girls may have been placed in at a very early age. My job is to offer a way out and defeat the lies the enemy feeds into their heads about there being no way out of the industry once you either willing step in or get thrown in.
However, according to economics if there was no DEMAND than there would not be a need for a SUPPLY.
So then, is my husband’s job to find a way to decrease the demand?
I heard once that the men that travel to Thailand to visit the red light districts usually go on business trips. This means that these particular men are the men out there that are making the big money. These are the men that unknowing college students desire to be like. These are the real “men” of our society.
Is that what a man is though… someone who makes a lot of money?
Men were naturally made stronger than women so that men could protect women. Why, then, are there women too afraid to speak about the bruises that they bear?
I have spoken with women before who long to be at home taking care of their house and their children, but because of the money choices when it has come to debt, these women must continue working.
I am not a “man-hater.” I do battle between feelings of hate and disgust and feelings of grief when I think about the men out there. Did anybody teach them what it means to be a man, husband, or father? My heart breaks for them, and I fall on my knees in thanksgiving that my husband’s father stood by his sons. He taught them the value of work. He taught them how to hold a child, love their wives, and my wonderful mother-in-law taught her sons how to respect.
In my house, a courageous man lives. A man who prays, laughs, cleans, and loves. A man who is patient and kind hangs his keys in my hallway. A man who seeks wisdom from the word of God and works until his whole body hurts sleeps in my bed. A man who is never too tired to play or go on crazy adventures eats at my table. A man who is quick to forgive holds my hand when we pray. A man who leads a family in truth and not in manipulation or force wakes me up every morning with a smile and on occasion, breakfast.
I am able to be this Proverbs 31 woman the Bible declares because of the God I serve and the man I share my life with.
Michael and I's First Christmas(ish)
Starting new traditions is a great joy in my new little family. Also taking some old traditions from the past and incorporating them into my life now is so much fun. We get to open one gift on Christmas Eve. :) This was my gift, and they were beautiful pajamas. Michael got to open up his pajamas as well.
My big gift was a new Bible, and it had my married name on it!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
No Catchy title... Just the Facts: Atlanta Trip

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Self-Indulgence: Sin
All that is to say that when my husband finally got home from work, it was man vs. machine in the driveway, and man won. He charged the car, let it run for awhile, and later that night, when we were headed to a basketball game for a team that my brother-in-law helps manage, it was the car my husband picked to drive. Why? Because Michael is man, and man will defeat machine. I will tell you, there is nothing better than watching my husband overcome. The night was fantastic. The game was good, and I was proud of my brother-in-law for the work that he does. I saw Houston Nutt at the game, and despite myself I got up during half-time and went to shake his hand. I swear, I remind myself of my mom so many times. My mom lives without fear in situations like those. I quickly texted my mom to tell her all that I had done. We went to the gym to run after the game, and, finally, were on our way home. It was rainy and cold, but the conversation was good.
However, the drive home ended poorly when a car going about two miles per hour decided to switch into our lane without even a blinker. Michael swerved to miss the guy, and we ended up in somebody’s yard with a blown tire and a bent rim. The man began to drive off, but Michael quickly started honking the horn and flashing the lights to get the man’s attention. The man pulled over and came to us, and it was evident from first sight, that the man was not in the right state of mind. I don’t really know the SMELL of marijuana, but its effect on the human body is unmistakable. Hopefully the issue will all be worked out. I checked on-line to find that a new tire and rim costs about 200 dollars, but the cops filed all of our insurance information, and our insurance told us they would take care of the whole issue. More than likely, Michael and I will not have to pay for the tire to be replaced. I am thankful that we were in the car instead of the truck because if we were in the truck, we might have really hurt the man.
On my drive to school today (in the truck; this time machine won), I begin to ponder all of my sin… a scary thing to think about, and how I have hurt people because of my sin. My self-indulgence has hurt more people than I know, but that is the purpose of sin right? To harm? To destroy? This man will never know that my husband and I have been saving every penny we could to afford a trip to Atlanta to work with the fight against human trafficking. If we do have to pay the 200 dollars, this man will never understand how those 200 dollars instead of going to a new tire and rim would have been used to afford gas for traveling or spend for some better charity at Passion. That man’s sin caused multiple consequences. However, I am not purposefully picking on that man, for there is not a bone in my body that fears Michael and I will not have the money to go to Atlanta (by the way if you are looking for a Christmas present for us, a $10 gas card would be perfect). Also, I am more than thankful all that was lost was a tire and rim. The whole incident just made me stop and realize what my own selfishness can do.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
In Passionate Pursuit
This plan seemed perfect a year ago when we were discussing what Christmas was going to look like in our family, but in practice it can be a little harder. My husband loves me, but more than that he takes in pride in all the things that I love. We were driving home the other night, and he started bouncing around ideas about what to get me for Christmas, and I was stunned at all the things that God has used to give me an idenity. The person Christ made when He entered into my life is so much more diverse and interesting than I could have ever imagined, and oddly enough, I spend most of my time feeling like He messed up somewhere. Such a foolish child I am.
In reality, I am as diverse as the colors in nature itself, and I wish... oh how I wish that I could remember more often to speak truth about who I am instead of listening to the enemy's lies. As a matter of fact, even today, I was pondering whether or not I should start a few different blogs because it is hard to contain everything the Creator has given me to say in just one post every couple of days. God is amazing!
So without further adue, I present... Because I needed a reminder.
When God entered my life....
My best friend became the guitar.
I learned how to see beauty more and wanted to capture that beauty in photography.
I learned how to use my natural ability of placing words together to bring glory to Him.
I became a mother to many.
I became a passionate pursurer of what is right and just.
I became in love with the fight against the sex industry and human trafficking.
I became a friend that wasn't afraid to take chances or even on occassion speak truth.
I became a traveler.
I became a lover of good coffee and better music.
I developed an admiration for simple and peaceful things.
I developed a love for vegetables and fruits.
I created a salad in a box: Where I grew the lettuce, tomatoe, and everything else needed.
I created a home for not just my husband but several people before him.
I became aware of my disease and how to battle the disease.
I became a camp counselor with a passion for movement.
I learned to dance... and the freedom found in dance.
I became a sister.
I learned to lay on the floor and laugh because there is nothing else to do.
I learned how to run.
I became a runner.
I gained wisdom on how to balance money, food, and life.
God has created a woman that I would have never dreamed of being. When I was in high school I created two lists. The first list had two columns. The first column was everything that I thought I was, and the second column was everything that I wanted to be. It was evident how much I hated myself. The second list I created was a detailed list of everything I wanted to accomplish and by what age I wanted to accomplish the goal. Both list make me cry and laugh now. After I had been a Christian for a few months, I created a new list... Everything that God said I was. Occassionally, I have to go back and ask God again for Him to reveal to me who I am in Him.
The time is coming to take more steps in faith, and I always want to stay....
In Passionate Pursuit.
Friday, November 25, 2011
When Dreams Come True...
The finished product.
Our Black Friday shopping faces. I wasn't going to go, but Michael asked if I would go because he had never been. I had the best time running around the store army style texting and calling Michael. He was the perfect alliance.
My very first wreath ever, and it is a Paula original!
Saw this on pintrest, and I had to try it out! Our wedding invitation cut up and made into spirals. Then I placed it into a glass ball.
This Angel will eventually go on top of our tree.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Dancing in the Rain
Monday, November 14, 2011
Because it is Monday
Sunday, November 13, 2011
That Stupid Negative Line
One of the many blessing I received when I got married was that I got to become an aunt to three amazingly beautiful little girls. I love walking through the door and seeing their faces light up, and I love that their dear and beautiful mother has taught them and is teaching them how to live a life of simplicity. I have this wonderful dream of my children and Diana's children playing together, fighting over toys, and taking naps together. Michael and I got to babysit these darling children the other night, and spending all that time with them made my heart fill with joy!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Don't Forget to Pack Your Shoeboxes
Presents for Boy 5-9: CHECK
Presents for Boy 10-13:CHECK
Happy Couple with Shoeboxes: CHECK
Family Life Church: On their way!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
From Rags to Riches
A camera cannot bring out the true beauty of this amazing rag doll. We finished making them at church last night, and we I got in the truck with my husband I just kept looking at it and smiling. I almost felt as if I had turned five-years-old again, and this was the new doll that I have begging my mother and father to buy me. I smile when I think about the day that I have little girls old enough to make these dolls. They are not difficult, just scraps of linen torn and knotted together, and they are not expensive. However, it is becoming increasinlgy interesting to me how much we cherish those things that are not expensive or difficult. The simplicity in beauty. Who says you cannot find enjoyment if you are poor?
The meaning behind this doll though is so important. It stands as a symbol for women coming to the Lord and seeking forgiveness for their actions. I love being a newlywed. There is always something to learn and see and do, but I must be honest... most of the time I feel like a failure. Anyone else have that feeling? I have a full time teaching job, and I am trying to make a good home and run about 3-4 ministries. There is a lot of room for failure... like the fact that I still have about three loads of laundry left and my kitchen is a wreck. Not only that, but my dear husband is a people person, and from the moment he gets home until we go to bed, we spend most of our nights visiting people and loving on them. This was great this past summer when I was home and able to get everything I needed to get done before he got home, but now, many things get put on hold... and it can be exhausting. It also leaves a lot of room for Satan to attack... like last night when I spent 15 minutes in the car before church just in tears. God teaches a lot through the storms though, and I am sure that every minutes spent in the chiropratic office and every moment at school will soon be some great lesson someday.
My husband is good though. Each feeble attempt I make at being a good wife he lifts up in excitement and joy. He excites over me even though my feeble attempts seem like rags. Isn't that what we give God? He takes our rags and makes beautiful things out of them. He took me and made a doll, individual and beautiful. You want to know something cooler I learned while making this doll? This doll did none of the work. I made her. I made her parts, stitched her together and even clothed her. I spent special time on areas that I felt were most difficult, and I took an unusual amount of time picking out the fabric to make her dress. The whole time, this doll just sat there and offered herself to be used. I pray each day that I make myself available for God to use... even when it hurts sometimes. Michael and I have talked in depth about me staying at home next year, but I am not at next year yet.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Be anxious for nothing...
Friday, November 4, 2011
Forgot to do this Monday...oops.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Nothing is Better than a Birthday
I took the day off of work, and Michael and I had lunch with Diana and the girls. The girls got to
give Michael the cards they made him.
My husband, the Star Wars nerd, got to go on a Jedi Training Mission Scavenger Hunt.
For his birthday, we spent a night at home. After going on his Jedi mission scavenger hunt, Michael got his presents, Erasing Hell and a couple of Star Wars Nerds only things. For dinner, I made Michael's favorite Hawaiin Faijitas. Yum!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Living with the Curse
Friday, October 28, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I'm Lucky to be In Love with My Best Friend...
A new creation and cool way to display pictures. Tree branch, vase, and some rocks or cool things to keep the branch in place... this attempt now lives in our kitchen.
My husband is asleep beside me, and I wonder at the amazement that is this man. He just started a blog, and you should read it... he is a man of little words (expect when you get into a car with him and then you cannot get him to shut up). His words are powerful though. Anyways, enough playing around right. I am honestly split on what I want to write about tonight, but I know that I must write. I could tell you that life is happening as always. Michael was blessed today by getting his first paycheck from his new job and finding that he was getting paid more than we previously thought. Another prayer request answered. Also, I have recently started working with the teenage girls at our church. I haven't began teaching yet, but I am watching and learning their personalities closely. Also, amazingly, we are only a few weeks away from Thanksgiving which is like the breaking point for the semester. We're almost done! Not to mention that I have went on a Martha Stewart nut job spree, and I cannot wait until Christmas (which is new and strange considering I have never really liked Christmas). My husband decided that we should start hosting house church, and interestingly enough, my husband has gotten me to agree to hosting two gatherings in the next week. I am still not quite sure how this incident occurred mind you, but I am excited about both. My father-in-law is gone to Romania with some fall smelling candles, deodorant, and cookie mix for the Oprises. I cannot wait to hear all the stories about the orphanage!
Fall is officialy here, and I have wanted to do nothing but walk around outside and admire the trees. I think back to last year which almost seems like a life time ago. I was a new teacher with my very first boyfriend. Now, I am a second year special education teacher who has grown in tremendous ways, I am a wife, and I got to be a momma for a little bit. Sometimes when I close my eyes tightly I imagine what our beautiful baby might look like when we see her in heaven. I know even as I write this moment, she is dancing around the throne of her Beloved Father. Today, I danced in my classroom while I lectured on Central America. Today, I grew a little stronger.
I feel like my husband and I are on the brink for something...something amazing, scary, and crazy! My husband... those are such cool words.
My husband is Michael Taylor Bean. He is almost 22 years-old, and he is barely over a year old in his Christian birth. When we were dating, he would wake up extra early so that he could get to my house in time to wake me up, make me coffee, and pray or read the Bible with me before I went into teaching world. My husband eats anything that I cook even when I have messed up so badly that I myself cannot eat. My husband only has to look at me for me to remember that I am indeed a beautiful princess of God. He laughs at me, dances with me in the kitchen (though he may not appreciate me telling you that little bit of information). My husband will adopt any child, teenager, or adult as his own. I have a sneaking feeling that one day we really will have someone random living with us... kinda like the random hitchhiker that we picked up not too long ago. My husband is learning so much from the Bible that it astounds me, and his wisdom comes out at the most entertaing and interesting times. For example, washing dishes is my husbands cue to spill all the wisdom that God is teaching him.
Michael Taylor Bean loves his family... they are really the most important thing to him, and he loves our extended non-blood related family. We really would have people over all the time if I did not put my foot down...haha. My husband will always be there when you call. He is a servant, and he has taken off work several times in the past to help people move or build things. My husband lets me listen to my random wierd Jazzy music, and he is always up for an adventure. My husband prays for us often, and he is always open to criticism. He tries so hard, and he is very brave. Michael loves people and making new friends; he is crazy good at basketball, and he owns only four pairs of socks.
Michael Taylor Bean is a harvester.
Michael waited a long time for me... almost over a year. I refused him so many times, but he patiently waited and loved. He loved me despite the fact I couldn't love him. It wasn't as if he needed to wait on me, there were so many other girls available for him. There were so many other girls around that I know would have treated him better at the time than I was. He waited though, and now he is mine and I am his.
Things...they do not always go according to plan. Very seldom is God logical. When Michael and I decided to date, there were so many people that were outraged at us. Not just one or two but several. Several who didn't understand and some who probably didn't care otherwise. But as I watch my husband sleep tonight... I know a little creepy... I think about the woman at the well. Jesus spoke to her when the idea of it was completely insane. Even she was shocked beyond belief. Thank the Lord above that He is not logical... or I may never have had salvation or a husband who loves me. My challenge.... take a walk on the water.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Chosing Joy....